WisCOSH depends heavily on donations to accomplish many of it's goals
WisCOSh is a 501(c)(3) Charitable Organization recognized by the State of WI and the IRS. If you would be willing to make a tax deductable donation to WisCOSH there are several ways you can donate and a variety of places to designate what your donation can/must be used for.
Memorial Donation
There are several types of Memorial Donations commonly made. A donation made in someone's name -either the donor's or someone else's - that has died due to workplace injury or exposure, a memorial fund to be used for a specified activity or program and a trust which is intended to help cover an ongoing or annual event.
Operating Expenses Donation
You can make a donation to help WisCOSH meet it's day to day operating expenses such as rent, power, Internet, training materials, trainer fees, renewal or upgrade of trainer license and/or certification.
Program Donation
You can make a donation to be used specifically for a particular program such as Worker's memorial Day, a specific worker training program [youth/teen worker's rights; focus four hazards for general industry or construction workers; dealing with workplace violence and bullying; ...], helping underwrite the cost for hearing exams or training conferences.
Donation Methods
Once you have decided to make a donation there are several ways to do so. You can fill out the form attached below and return it to WisCOSH with your donation. You can make a donation to WisCOSH through Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee. At this time WisCOSH cannot accept direct credit card payment for donations. WisCOSH is looking into a number of options to facilitate this such as PayPay or similar services.
If you choose to make a donation via Community Shares of Greater Milwaukee there are a couple methods available to you. You can make a One Time/Lump Sum Donation or you can make weekly/monthly donations to reach the amount you wish to donate. You can also donate to WisCOSH through a workplace giving campaign if your employer hosts one.
Donation Form